Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Are you sure?!"

After church on Sunday this following conversation happened in the van. Seemed innocent enough, but my heart caught as it brought to light a good example.....

Grace: Mommy we need to go back you forgot my jacket!!
Me: No Grace I got it
G: No you didn't!!! (Increased hysteria)
M: Grace I did get it
G: But I don't see it! (starting to cry)
M: Its on the floor under your seat I promise.
G: Are you sure?!
M: Yes Grace I'm sure I got it ok?

Now due to the fact that this child is mine and being that she is 4, it took a lot more than that to convince her. I actually had to SHOW her the jacket for her to calm down and believe me.

In that moment I saw a different side of this story.... I'll explain - this coming Friday is a big BIG day for me and my little family. I have to go to 4 hours of mediation with their father. Its the most important meeting so far (concerning their future and his role in their life) and if this doesn't go well we will have to go to trial, which means lots of money and more time off work. I'm not going to lie, there are moments I'm scared, and worried. But this little incident with Grace and the jacket reminded me of something. How many times do I sit there and say "God you forgot us!!" "Are you SURE you have everything under control?" - just like Grace felt unsure and scared. All that time that I sit and worry is basically questioning God's ability to provide and protect us. When God is sitting there continuously saying "I got this - didn't I tell you I would?" "trust me I've got it!". Thankfully he doesn't get as impatient with me as I did with Grace (just being honest).

Whatever is going to happen on Friday is already set in motion. Without meaning to sound dreadfully dramatic, it has really all come down to this.... my only job now is to walk through it trusting and knowing that God has it all under control... No matter what the outcome, no matter how it may look in my eyes, I have to stand on the belief that it is what He has planned for us.... and that He will never leave us.

Just wanted to share this little insight....

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