Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ribbons and Bows

I went walking on the beach today, which has become a nice quiet time for me after my weekly meeting at church. It was cold, windy and just plain gloomy! As I walked I kept my head down, not due to the cold, but the fact that I was searching for something. I was searching for a seashell to take back to my baby girl, Grace. She absolutely loves the beach and has a special thing for shells. I was completely focused on the sand looking for the "perfect shell". The perfect color, shape, size, one that she would love... nothing seemed good enough, no matter how many i picked up and examined...

It was then that God decided to break into my little world and As I continued to look in concentrated silence He whispered the reminder to my heart "if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him"  (Matthew 7:11)

I paused.

Wow, as much as i was determined to fight off the wind and chill, set fast on taking my precious daughter the most wonderful shell i could find. As much as my love for her and desire to see her face light up, our heavenly father does the same for us! What?! He would search the beach for a seashell for us? Would He find us the perfect spouse to fit us, the exact job we needed, the good deal on groceries?? Yes i believe he would, he does and he longs to do even more...

We just need to slow down enough to recognize his gifts... And take time to thank him and get excited over his remembering us in the midst of this crazy world, he would search for the perfect "shell" to see our face light up....

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