Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Night & Day: Celebrating My Sister

Night and day, that's what we are. My sister and I. Although don't ask which is which... It's a toss up. She's 14mo younger than me. I don't have a single memory without her. We've fought, cried, laughed, hatched secret plans, had late night talks when we were supposed to be asleep. We've shared toys, cars, bedrooms and friends. She has taught me so much. Has walked with me through life without missing a step. I value her friendship more than anything.

She is my sister, Sara Marie.... And it just so happens she's 30 today!!!!

So on this special day I wanted to take time to celebrate her! She's a crazy loving aunt to my kids, she's fun, loves to laugh and comes up with the most hilarious one-liners that always keep me on my toes. She's been the best sister I could ever ask for, and shame on me for not telling her enough. Her walk with Jesus has been an encouragement to me and those around her... Bottom line, she is a wonderful, carrying and loving person. I'm just so blessed to call her my sister.

Happy Birthday Sis... May your next 30 be more than you could ever hope for.
I love you always!

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