Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who Cares? Facts & Solutions

Facts & Solutions 

: no matter how hard you try you can't please everyone
Fact: at any given moment one or more people are upset with you and you don't even know it (or know why)
Fact: some people are never happy with you. Ever.
Fact: living under the pressure placed on you by such people will steal your joy, it will take your eyes off Jesus and will change the way you see yourself

Praise Jesus there is a solution! STOP CARING! Now hear me out! that does not mean you go around offending people with no regard to feelings or situations. It does mean, however that you do not put their opinion of you/your life higher than Gods. For many many many years I've search for mans approval. To make sure everyone all the time was happy with me. Know what happened? I couldn't do it! It ran me ragged, stole my joy, I was miserable and a nervous wreck! But when I came back to Jesus this past fall and after all I've been through I've learned this lesson! I still fall back to those "people pleasing" mentalities, but I never stay there for long! Jesus said he would be all we needed... His opinion is the only one who matters... Like I said this doesn't give license to be insensitive, or not take into account another persons struggles, but when you are worrying more about what they think about your life more than what God thinks of your life, there needs to be some changes made, priorities need refocused, chains broken and freedom brought. If not you will be miserable, you will miss times when God could use you because your eyes weren't on him they were on others.

This is not meant to be ugly, it's meant to encourage you to really look at how much you do/say not to please Jesus but to please man... Freedom from this type of bondage is necessary for continued spiritual growth. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Overwhelmed" Big Daddy Weave

I see the work of Your Hands Galaxies spin in a Heavenly dance oh God All that You are is so overwhelming

I hear the sound of Your Voice All at once it’s a gentle and thundering noise oh God All that You are is so overwhelming

I delight myself in You Captivated by Your beauty I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

God, I run into Your arms Unashamed because of mercy I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

I know the power of Your Cross Forgiven and free forever You’ll be my God

All that You’ve done is so overwhelming I delight myself in You In the Glory of Your Presence I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

God, I run into Your arms Unashamed because of mercy I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You